Hello June!!- £30 if you don’t say wedding

It’s June and the wedding is officially a sneeze away so how is everything so far? Well it’s gotten better and part of me is thinking why we had to stress or worry our head (yes our head cause I will not be admiting that i am and was stressed) I have now created a June checklist and the plan is to get everything ticked off in a week’s times, so pray for me.

The last week of May the wedding misunderstanding bug bit my fiance and I and we had a bit of misunderstanding ok it had nothing to do with the wedding but then it’s all sorted and that helped with planning the wedding even further.

I’ve got cold feet and every now and again, though i have already left home ..i have flashes about my traditional wedding, my dad and mum handing the wine to and me breaking down crying. I carry my family on my head as so many people have said, and this has been one wedding resistant my heart built up for so many years cause the thought of leaving was always scary so I am glad to have a fiance who understands that.

It’s June (It’s 1.06am), I have got bad cramps as i type this, my head is filled with things on my checklist, I am thinking of praying and reading my bible, and Namby2023 is drawing nearer – I am excited and scared. Feeling great love and feeling great fear but all in all, my times are in God’s hands.

All my Love

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